칸트 영구평화론 _ 가치론 연습 자료

철학/가치론연습 2008. 4. 9. 20:00

Kant : Perpetual peace


Modern Liberalism and Its Discontents

Presented by Park Sang Won


1. Preliminary Articles

1) No conclusion of peace shall be considered valid as such if it was made with a secret reservation of the material for a future war.

2) No independently existing state, whether it be large or small, may be acquired by another state by inheritance, exchange, purchase or gift.

3) Standing armies will gradually be abolished altogether

4) No national debt shall be contracted in connection with the external affairs of the state

5) No state shall forcibly interfere in the constitution and government of another state

6) No state at war with another shall permit such acts of hostility as would make mutual confidence impossible during a future time of peace. Such acts would include the employment of assassins or poisners, breach of agreement, the instigation of treason within the enemy state, etc.




2. Appendix

Ⅰ. On the disagreement between morals and politics in relation to perpetual peace


- Morality and Politics

morality : a theoretical branch of right

politics : an applied branch of right

"there can be no conflict between moral and politics, a conflict between moral and politics can only occur if morality were taken to mean a general doctrine of expediency"


- Moral politician vs Political moralist

Moral politician : couple the concept of right with politics & limitation of politics by moral law

Political moralist : they regard politics just as expediency, concept of morality is eliminated

based on duty / consequentialism

progressive / anti progressive

comply with law / violate law

preservation of freedom / deprivation of freedom

Formal principle / Sophistries

Act in such a way that you can wish

your maxim to become a universal law (irrespective of what the end in view may be)


① Do it anyway, and then excuse it.

② In case that you did it, deny that

the guilt is yours.

③ Disunite them among themselves

and set them at odds with people.


"A true system of politics cannot therefore take a single step without first paying tribute to morality"


※ Kant thought that a despotic ruling power is better than a violent revolution. Because a violent revolution or a premature reform might lead people to 'anarchy'.





Ⅱ. On the agreement between politics and morality according to the transcendental concept of public right


-Principle of publicity : 'All actions affecting the rights of other human being are wrong if their maxim is not compatible with their being made public'


-According to Kant, principle of publicity is a purely nagative test :

Q. Does an agent's principle fit 'ethical & juridical' criterion which can be discovered a priori within reason itself?

(Example : rebellion, ruler who act like a dual person, a pre-emptive strike upon a growing neighbour power, subjugating and annexing the smaller country)


-What the condition is under which its maxims will agree with international right?

☞ After a lawful state must already be in existence, a federative association of states can be reconciled with their freedom.






♠ Conclusion 


Perpetual peace : a federative association of states which can be made of lawful states


a state of pure principle of right with moral politics (genuine republicanism)


the will of all individual men to live

in accordance with principles of freedom

within a lawful constitution

General will :

Coercive authority as a single whole will

which overrules the differences

in the particular wishes of all individual


pure concept of rightful duty (a priori)



♠ Question


1. What is the role of 'mechanism of nature'? How can 'mechanism of nature' make human complete progress?


2. Can we expect possibility that every state would choose republicanism? Are we able to convince that the result of progress or enlightenment is realized in the political form of republicanism?


3. Does the progress mean "the progress of a political system" or "the progress of human nature" ?

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